
Undergraduate/Graduate courses, Department of French and Italian, University of California, Santa Barbara., 2016

I occupied the position of lecturer in the Department of French and Italian at the University of California, Santa Barbara, for two consecutive academic years; where I taught mostly undergraduate courses and one graduate course.

Undergraduate courses

FR 1-6. Elementary and Intermediate French.

Elementary (1-3) and intermediate (4-6) French. The first year consists of a series of introductory courses for students with no prior exposure to French and Francophone language and cultures. The intermediate level builds on the foundation established in first-year and includes thorough exploration of the language and Francophone cultures, through exposure to literature and film.

Graduate courses

FR 11A-B. French for Graduate Students.

A service course for graduate students from other departments who need to satisfy language requirements. Divided into two levels: 11A (elementary) for those who have no, or hardly any knowledge of French; 11B (intermediate) open to students who have an appropriate level of knowledge of the language and to continuing students from 11A.